Monday May 02, 2016
DrupalEasy Podcast 174 - Floss Belt (Ryan Szrama - Drupal Commerce)
Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
Ryan Szrama (rszrama), President and CEO of Commerce Guys, project leader ofDrupal Commerce, and proud ex-Best Buy Geek Squad member joins Ryan, Ted, and Mike for a comprehensive discussion Commerce Guys' recent relaunch as a standalone company, and the current development progress of Drupal Commerce for Drupal 8. We also discussed Drupal 8.1, a potential future for the theme layer, the absolute correct pronunciation of "Szrama", and a big announcement from Ted.
- Commerce Guys Refocusing on Drupal Commerce as Platform.sh Becomes an Independent Company blog post.
- https://drupalcommerce.org, especially the blog for updates on 8.x-2.0.
- http://docs.drupalcommerce.org
- Meta for checkout issues (base form to be inlcuded in alpha4):https://www.drupal.org/node/2710973
- Payment roadmap issue (target for beta1 at DrupalCon):https://www.drupal.org/node/2711013
DrupalEasy News
- DrupalEasy and SixMileTech team up for Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development at DrupalCon New Orleans.
- DrupalEasy Podcast now on Google Play.
- DrupalEasyPodcast on Reddit - upvote stories you'd like us to cover.
Three Stories
- Drupal 8.1 is now available.
- Unify & simplify render & theme system: component-based rendering (enables pattern library, style guides, interface previews, client-side re-rendering) - issue by Wim Leers.
- Why you SHOULDN'T upgrade from Drupal 6! - blog post by David Snopek.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - Bootstrap base theme.
- Ted - Is size just a number? Reflecting on community growth, mentoring, and where we spend our efforts DrupalCon session by David Hernandez andKalpana Goel.
- Ryan P - Registry Rebuild and --fire-bazooka for when you move between environments.
- Ryan S - Cloudflare.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCon New Orleans - May 9-13, 2016.
Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- Kayaking
- Clash Royale
- Become a beverage professional
- Llamas
- DrupalCon Barcelona 2007
Intro Music
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play or Miro. Listen to our podcast onStitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Saturday Apr 16, 2016
Saturday Apr 16, 2016
Cathy Theys (yesct) and Peter Wolanin (pwolanin) from the Drupal Security Teamjoin Anna Kalata and Mike Anello to discuss the origins, evolution, and efforts of the team. Peter and Cathy discuss how to report potential security issues, how issues are handled within the team, and how they prioritize potential contributed module security issues. In addition, we discuss Drupal from the outside-in, Cathy's travel schedule, secret bunkers, the need for us to keep Peter busy in the Drupal community (seriously), Mike's slow loss of control, customers who contribute, and how Drupal might be related to the Panama Papers. As if that wasn't enough, we give Cathy control of the five questions - let the fun begin!
- Drupal Security Team home.
- How to report a security issue.
- Drupal 8 Security Bounty Bug Program.
- Links related to ad-hoc pre-security team activity:https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2005-1921,http://www.securiteam.com/exploits/5BP0O20GBS.html, https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/1078/, https://www.drupal.org/node/1341738.
- Best practice to block xml rpc in htaccess?.
- Current Security Team members.
- Join the Security Team.
DrupalEasy News
- DrupalEasy and SixMileTech team up for Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development at DrupalCon New Orleans.
Four Stories
- Top 10 contributing customers Drupal Association blog post by Joshua Mitchell.Information for organizations who want their people to start recording attribution.
- Examples of how to make Drupal outside-in - blog post by Dries Buytaert.
- Drupal 8.1 RC1 is available.
- DrupalCon New Orleans schedule is available.
Picks of the Week
- Cathy - Yes, Drupal 8 is slower than Drupal 7 - here's why blog post by Jeff Geerling.
- Mike - Group module for Drupal 8. See Mike's screencast demonstrating its use.
- Peter - From Encrypted Drives To Amazon's Cloud -- The Amazing Flight Of The Panama Papers.
- Anna - Counterpoint to Forbes pointing at Drupal: WordPress slider implicatedMossack Fonseca Breach – WordPress Revolution Slider Plugin Possible Cause.
- Anna - State of Drupal 2016 Survey.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalDelphia - April 8, 2016.
- Drupal Camp Spain - Granada - Apr 22-24, 2016 - Cathy will be there.
- DrupalCon New Orleans - May 9-13, 2016 - Cathy is core conversation track chair, Peter's session.
- DrupalNorth Montreal - June 16-19, 2016 - Cathy will be keynoting.
Follow us on Twitter
Cathy's Five Questions (answers only)
- Python library for reading shape files (pyshp).
- Retirement.
- Go back to DIY microbiology/genetic engineering.
- Chx asking him to do “something easy” for Drupal 6.
- Brian Osborne, working on CAS module (bkosborne).
Intro Music
- R.T.B.C. - from the DrupalCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Larry Garfield.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
DrupalEasy Podcast 172 - The Coup (Jeff Geerling - Drupal VM)
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Saturday Apr 02, 2016
Jeff Geerling (geerlingguy), lead maintainer of the Drupal VM project joins Ted, Kelley, and Andrew for a lesson on Drupal VM, and how it can be leveraged by Drupal developers. Additional topics discussed include recent community voting results, Drupal 8.1, Peco, and renting chickens.
- http://www.jeffgeerling.com
- https://www.drupal.org/project/drupalvm
- http://www.drupalvm.com
- Developing with VirtualBox and Vagrant on Windows
- Drupal VM - Quick Introduction Video
- Drupal VM 2.3.0 released - dashboard, Windows, tests, and more
- Announcing the Drupal VM Generator
- Author of Ansible for DevOps, and blogs at www.jeffgeerling.com.
DrupalEasy News
- DrupalEasy and SixMileTech team up for Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development at DrupalCon New Orleans.
Three Stories
- 2016 Drupal Association at-large election winner announced - Shyamala Rajaram - blog post from the Drupal Association.
- What's Coming in Drupal 8.1? - blog post from OSTraining.
- Community Keynote Votes Are In - blog post from DrupalCon New Orleans.Your brain health is more important than your standing desk by Michael Schmid (Schnitzel).
Picks of the Week
- Andrew - Peco A visual grep and piping tool.
- Ted - DrupalDeploy
- Kelley - Noun Project, Chewbacca.
- Jeff - RefreshLess - a neat experimental Drupal 8 module by Wim Leers for making a more app-like browsing experience.
Upcoming Events
- TexasCamp - April 1-2, 2016.
- DrupalDelphia - April 8, 2016.
- DrupalCon New Orleans - May 9-13, 2016.
Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- Collect raspberry Pi computers. Has 13 Pis on his desk.
- Peco (Andrew rocks!) - Debian on an O-Droid.
- Getting heating and cooling system to auto control zones of the house.
- Rented Chicken
- Going from 56 Joomla sites to one Drupal site with Organic Groups (OG)
Intro Music
You Ain't Never Had a Dev Like Me - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Aaron Porter.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Friday Mar 11, 2016
DrupalEasy Podcast 171 - BoF Roadshow (Preston So - Front-end Decoupling)
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Preston So, Development Manager, Acquia Labs, front-end developer extrodinaire, speaker of way too many languages joins Mike and Anna to talk about the decoupling Drupal's front-end and the healthy discussion surrounding it. News stories covered include DrupalCon Asia, Community Keynotes, and Drupal Association Board of Directors voting.
- http://www.prestonsodesign.com
- Presentation: Decoupled Drupal and the Front-end.
- Original issue post: [META] Supersede Backbone in core admin UIs with a new client-side framework by Preston So.
- [policy, no patch] Require Node.js for Drupal 9 core and rewrite some of Drupal's UI code from PHP to JS.
- Investigate where and how a frontend framework could be used.
- [META] Dramatically improve Drupal-provided user interactions through perceived performance boosts and optimistic feedback.
- Decapitating Drupal - blog post by Mark Ferree.
- Drupal gets a feature request out of the blue - blog post by Théodore Biadala.
- Should we decouple Drupal with a client-side framework? - blog post by Dries Buytaert.
- Does Drupal need a client-side framework in core? - blog post by Peter Droogmans.
- A Front-end JavaScript Framework in Drupal Core? - podcast from Lullabot.
- Should Drupal add (another) JS framework into core? Not in the name of UX. - blog post by Lewis Nyman.
- Turning Drupal outside-in - blog post by Dries Buytaert.
DrupalEasy News
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
Three Stories
- DrupalCon Asia: Back from the Future - blog post by Holly Ross.
- Drupal 8.0.4, 8.0.5, and 8.1.0-beta1 released.
- Vote for your Community Keynote - voting ends March 18, 2016.
Upcoming Events
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- TexasCamp - April 1-2, 2016.
- DrupalDelphia - April 8, 2016.
Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- Draw fictional maps
- OmniGraffle
- Giving a tech talk in a language other than English
- A koala
- Garland
Intro Music
Drupal Way - by Marcia Buckingham (vocals, bass and mandolin) and Charlie Poplees (guitar). The lyrics by Marcia Buckingham, music by Kate Wolfe.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Friday Feb 26, 2016
Friday Feb 26, 2016
David Snopek from myDropWizard joins Mike, Anna, and Ted to discuss the immenint (and ominous-sounding) Drupal 6 end-of-life as well as some "official" paid support options for the future. We also celebrate DrupalEasy.com's recent Drupal 8 relaunch (just barely avoiding end-of-life), the Commerce Guys spin-off Platform.sh, and one of our community's biggest issues.
- David Snopek, myDropWizard, Drupal security team member, Panopolydeveloper, Milwaukee Drupal meetup (Drupal414) co-organizer.
- Drupal 6 End-of-Life
- Official long term support vendors
- Drupal 6 Long Term Support patches
DrupalEasy News
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
Four Stories
- DrupalEasy.com Relaunches on Drupal 8.
- Removing Arbitrary Barriers to Participation - blog post by Mark Ferree at Chapter Three.
- Drupal Association 2015 Membership Drive Recap.
- Commerce Guys Refocusing on on Drupal Commerce as Platform.sh Becomes an Independent Company.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - Neato base theme by Kevin Quillen.
- David - CVE-2015-7547, article about it on ArsTechnica.
- Ryan - DrupalCon Session Submission - Ryan is chairing the Site Buidling Trackat DrupalCon New Orleans and encourages you to submit to any category. Read his blog post, "Help Make the Site Building Track Memorable".
- Anna - 3 Things You Should Hide In Your Drupal Site (Many of you aren’t hiding them)!.
- Ted - Drupal Summer of Code Proposals.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCampNYC2016 - February 27th, 2016.
- Florida DrupalCamp 2016 - March 5-6, 2016.
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- TexasCamp - April 1-2, 2016.
- DrupalDelphia - April 8, 2016.
Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- Languages & language learning: Russian & Polish
- Democracy 3 - Win/Mac/Linux sim game
- Give a keynote presentation
- Aspirational answer: European bison in a specific primordial forest (half credit)
- Becoming Panopoly co-maintainer (2013)
Intro Music
DrupalCon - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Kristina Bjoran.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
John Kennedy, Acquia's project manager for Lightning joins Ted Bowman, Ryan Price, and Mike Anello to talk about the Module Acceleration Program - an initiative by Acquia to help get important contributed modules finished for Drupal 8. Also discussed: DrupalCon session submissions, goodbye dependencies, new D8 committer, DA board nominations open, and 8.1!
DrupalEasy News
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
ThreeSix Stories
- DrupalCon Session Submissions - Site Building track.
- Where have all the dependencies gone? - blog post by Tim Millwood. Also,https://groups.drupal.org/node/508662.
- New provisional Drupal 8 committer, Scott Reeves - focused on front-end.
- Drupal Planet now in Spanish!.
- 2016 Nominations Open for Drupal Association At-Large Director - nominations close February 20.
- 8.1.0 will be released April 20; beta begins March 2. Work focusing on Migrate UI, front-end tests, usability improvements, and bug fixes.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - Honeypot module for Drupal 8 - currently on version 8.1.22! Maintained by Jeff Geerling (geerlingguy).
- Ted - Star Wars Hour of Code Learn to code using Blockly drag and drop programming.
- John - Lightning distribution.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCampNYC2016 - February 27th, 2016.
- Florida DrupalCamp 2016 - March 5-6, 2016.
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- TexasCamp - April 1-2, 2016.
- DrupalDelphia - April 8, 2016.
Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- West Coast Swing.
- Snapchat.
- Start an open-source movement.
- Turtles!
- Writing his first Drupal module.
Intro Music
"Agony (Coder vs Themer)" - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-noteperformed by Campbell Vertesi and Adam Juran.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Sunday Jan 31, 2016
Drupal fork Backdrop co-founders Jen Lampton (jenlampton) and Nate Haug (quicksketch) joined Mike, Anna, and Ted to discuss the current state of Backdrop, its (surprising) relations with the Drupal community, Drupal 8, as well as some current Drupal news and our picks of the week!
- Jen Lampton (jenlampton on drupal.org, jenlampton on github.com), co-founder Backdrop CMS and Drupal 8 core contributor.
- Nate Haug (quicksketch on drupal.org, quicksketch on github.com), co-founder Backdrop CMS and Drupal 8 core contributor.
- https://backdropcms.org
- https://github.com/backdrop
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
- Crawling the top 15,000 Drupal websites: 2016 edition blog post by Kristian Polso (Risse).
- Work on Migrate UI, frontend testing, bug fixes, and more for Drupal 8.1.0blog post from xjm.
- Drupal: 15 years old and still gaining momentum blog post by Dries.
- Mike - Contact Storage module for Drupal 8.
- Ted - Scheduled Updates module for Drupal 8.
- Anna - How I Stumbled Upon the Internet’s Biggest Blind Spot.
- Nate - Support the Software Freedom Conservancy, 1-1 donation matching until January 31, 2016.
- Jen - Radix Layouts for Drupal for Backdrop.
- Online Drupal 7 Module Development - Learn Module Development Online.
- DrupalCamp New Jersey - January 29-31, 2016.
- Drupal Global Sprints 2016 - January 30, 2016.
- SANDCamp - February 24-27, 2016.
- DrupalCamp Utah - March 4-5, 2016.
- Florida DrupalCamp 2016 - March 5, 2016.
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- @drupaleasy
- @andrewmriley
- @liberatr
- @ultimike
- @tedbow
- @sixmiletech
- @akalata
- @backdropcms
- @jenlampton
- @quicksketch
- Equestrian.
- Many, many Android volume control apps (still looking for one that works).
- 2015 tax return.
- Koala.
- After developing her first two Drupal projects.
The Drupal Song - written and performed by Jeff Robbins.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
DrupalEasy Podcast 167 - Ted Spoils Star Wars (2015 Year in Review)
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
Saturday Jan 02, 2016
In this very special holiday episode of the DrupalEasy Podcast, (most of) the co-hosts pick our favorite Drupaly things from 2015, including our favorite Drupal moments as well as our favorite things about Drupal 8. Ted teaches us about the spirit of Christmas, Andrew talks about his favorite podcast episode, Ryan makes a surprise appearance, and we meet Kelley Curry (BrightBold), our newest co-host.
Drupal moment of the year
- Mike - DrupalCon Barcelona community keynotes.
- Ryan - adding new hosts to DrupalEasy Podcast / recording the April Fool's Day Episode / singing the Drupal Oddity song at DrupalCon Karaoke in Los Angeles and watching Mike H freak out.
- Andrew - Being at work and having my boss ask what happened to the DrupalEasy Podcast. It was the April Fools Day episode. He was afraid we all lost our minds.
- Kelley - DrupalCon LA prenote / release of D8 with my first 4 core commits / getting asked to join the podcast.
- Ted - Acquia U, Drupalcon LA Hallway Track.
Drupal 8
- Mike - View modes being a first-class “thing”.
- Ryan - that I got to learn Dependency Injection, Services, OOP.
- Andrew - Namespacing (more PHP but hey, we can now use it). Or more meta, we now fit into the rest of the PHP world.
- Kelley - Theming improvements: Classy, Stable, Twig debugging.
- Ted - OOP - CMI - Death to Features.
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
- Drupal Association membership drive - $100,000 in new revenue and 1,000 new members by December 30, 2015.
- DrupalCamp New Jersey - January 29-31, 2016.
- Drupal Global Sprints - January 30, 2016.
- Florida DrupalCamp 2016 - March 5, 2016.
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- Started a 501(c)(3) to support a bilingual public school. Hurley K-8 andNeighborhood Parents for the Hurley School.
- Gathered Table iPhone app.
- Speak at DrupalCon.
- Cheetah.
- DrupalCon San Francisco help from Benjamin Doherty (bangpound).
One Christmas at a Time by Jonathan Coulton and John Roderick.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Mike Bell (mikebell_), one of the Community keynoters at DrupalCon Barcelona 2015, joins Mike Anello, Andrew Riley, and Ryan Price to discuss mental health and open source, why Larry still isn't satisfied, and one of the next major decisions the Drupal community is currently discussing.
- The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.
- Drupal Association membership drive - $100,000 in new revenue and 1,000 new memebers by December 30, 2015.
- Drupal 8: Happy but not satisfied blog post by Larry Garfield (crell).
- Celebrate Drupal 8: How it was done blog post by Paul Johnson (pdjohnson).
- Should we decouple Drupal with a client-side framework? blog post by Dries Buytaert (Dries), How Drupal Should Handle Client-side Framework Obsolescence blog post by Cambell Vertesi (ohthehughmanatee)).
- Mike - Admin Toolbar improves the default Drupal 8 toolbar with flyouts.
- Mike Bell - Backported theme_debug from Drupal 8.
- Ryan - Big Pipe Readme and in-code Documentation.
- Online Drupal 7 Module Development - Learn Module Development Online.
- DrupalCamp Siberia - December 18-20, 2015.
- DrupalCamp New Jersey - January 29-31, 2016.
- Drupal Global Sprints - January 30, 2016.
- Florida DrupalCamp 2016 - March 5, 2016.
- MidCamp - March 17-20, 2016.
- Fallout 4.
- Playstation App on mobile phone.
- Drupal core development (CMI).
- Owl.
- Getting involved with the community.
Part of My Site - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Ronai Brumett.
Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or Miro. Listen to our podcast on Stitcher.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
DrupalEasy Podcast 165 - Drupal Acht (Donna Benjamin - FOSS Funding)
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Donna Benjamin (kattekrab) joins Mike Anello, Andrew Riley, and Anna Kalata to talk about funding free and open-source software (FOSS), the D8 Accelerate Program, and the launch of Drupal 8!